Now the chain casing is back on, it's time to dress the engine ready to refit.
First, on go the brake shoes, brake drum and brake operating cam and arm.
Next, the clutch and gear linkages, also the gear cable adjuster block.
The barrel (at the exhaust port) has been welded adjacent to one of the studs in the past and it looks like it was machined down with a hammer and chisel. One of the studs was a bit loose but seems to have tightened up OK. The exhaust pipe plus new gasket seems to have tightened up OK as well.
I can see a time in the future when I'll need a new barrel, maybe uprated to 200cc! That's my birthday and Christmas presents sorted for a few years.
The flywheel and cylinder cowlings go on next. It's a lot easier to fully dress the engine while it's on the bench, then fit the whole unit.
Who's that in my shed, oh it's me. Sheena's got hold of the camera again.
Engine and frame reunited at last!
Now it looks a bit like a scooter
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